Insert Grace Here…

…finding grace to help in the time of need…

Archive for family

God bless you, please, Mrs. Robinson!




It is of the Lord’s mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not.  They are new every morning:  great is thy faithfulness.  Lamentations 3:22-24

Introducing the newest member of the Robinson family….


Mrs. Terri Robinson

December 5, 2008
Mrs. Terri Robinson

Mrs. Terri Robinson


Mr. & Mrs. James D. Robinson II
Welcome to our family, Terri!  We always knew you belonged here.  You look just like us.  Let’s hope  we aren’t targeted for the next “You might be a redneck, if….” jokes. 😉
Terri and Delmar were married at The Botanical Gardens in Baton Rouge.  Notice the shots below of the kids running and playing through the gardens.
Terri wore red for redemption
Their journey together began over eleven years ago.  Like all couples, they’ve weathered many ups and downs over the years.  Terri has a son—Jade, 18 and a daughter—Amanda, almost 16 from a previous marriage.  We’re glad to have them as part of our family.  Terri and Delmar had their son, J.D., March 23, 2002.  Terri is also grandmother to Evan—Jade’s son.
As you continue your journey as husband and wife, I pray our Lord guides you in every area; that you will be united in your home and be as one with Him.
Three generations…
James Delmar Robinson I “Poppy”
James Delmar Robinson II “Delmar, Del, D Man”
James Delmar Robinson III “J.D.”

James Delmar Robinson I, II, III

James D. Robinson I, II, III

It’s hard to believe that he is my “little” brother.  He recently referred to me as “kiddo”.  Cracked me up.

My Big Little Brother

My "big" little brother

 The first Mrs. Robinson…

Our Mrs. Robinson

Our Mrs. Robinson








Congratulations, Delmar & Terri!

And welcome, Terri!  We love you both!  May God bless you, please, Mrs. Robinson.


Click Mister Linky to share your stories of God’s mercy.  Don’t forget to leave a comment.

Happy Sweet 16, Courtney!

On January 23, 1993 at 9:45 a.m., you made your debut.
Courtney Delynn Sutton

Courtney Delynn Sutton

Well, your arrival looked a tad different than that.  But I couldn’t post ‘that’ picture!  I’m quite certain that the one above will be enough for you.  To me, you were a 6 lb 11 oz beauty.  However, I’m well aware that you will think “Monchichi” when you see this picture.  Cutest Monchichi I ever saw.

Mom, what's this ball of hair?

Mom, what's this ball of hair?

Beautiful sisters.  Ugly couch.  You look lost under there.  You were such a good baby.  As you know, our best sleeper.  After the trauma of breaking Cammie from sleeping with us just prior to your arrival, I was determined to make some changes.  Oh, I rocked you.  But I worked hard at training you to sleep when I laid you down in your bed.  As a toddler, you would tell me when you were ready for a nap.  Now if you could just teach Sophie to do that.
Princess Delynn

Princess Delynn

You danced your way into our hearts.  That grin says so much to me about your little personality.  You were a sneaky little thing.  You loved to play dress-up.  Do you remember when Poppy wanted to take you to the store with your dress-up clothes on?  I did NOT want you to leave the house in them.  But he insisted.  A lady in the store stopped Poppy to tell him that you were the most beautiful thing she’d ever seen.  Priceless.
Knows Everything!

Preschool Graduate: Knows Everything!

We blinked.  And then you graduated Preschool.  You were a smart little thing.  You amazed us with Scripture memory.  If there was a preschool class clown, I’m sure you were it.  I remember when Mrs. Paula sent a note home saying, “Please talk to Courtney.  She constantly makes noises with her mouth.”  I put that note in your first scrapbook.  Sophie reminds me of you sometimes when she is working that little personality of hers. 

We blinked some more and you were coming home from Kindergarten telling me about some kid talking on the bus about sex.  *Insert composed mother here.*  I asked you if you knew what that was.  You flashed that grin of yours and said, “YES!  French kissing.”  Welllll now, where do I go from there?  I made a visit to Sunshine Christian Bookstore and found a series of age appropriate books on the latest topic on the elementary school bus.  Those books would be a tremendous blessing throughout yours and Cammie’s adolescence.  Allowing this subject to be open discussion for you and Cammie opened many doors for your peers.  Fastforward to age 13…  I’m pregnant with Sophie driving you and a van full of your friends celebrating your 13th birthday.  And the questions begin…  I would make a few phone calls for consent from other moms to discuss the forbidden topic.  What a night!  I hope you’ll always be able to talk with me about anything.  Okay, you can stop freaking out now. 😉
DSHS Volleyball

DSHS Volleyball


Blink.  You start your first long term relationship (way too early).  Sophie is born.  Blink.  You you start high school, take dance and play volleyball…

Dancing Queen

Dancing Queen


Blink.  You’re going to homecoming with Aubrey.
Aubrey & Courtney

Aubrey & Courtney

Courtney & Mercy

Courtney & Mercy

Blink, blink, blink…

You’re driving…
And playing Powder Puff Football…

There you are in braids with the Sophomore Barbie Bandits. 

You continue to astound me with your grades, your devotion to your Youth Group, determination to NOT settle for anything less than your best and to live by your convictions.  As you make decisions and set goals for your future… as you grow in your relationship with Aubrey… as you grow in your friendships and learn which ones will last a lifetime (and I think you know 😉 )… as you enjoy your teenage years, get your first job with a real paycheck, get your driver’s license and YESSSS, eventually your first car… and most of all, as you grow in Christ…

May your light shine as brightly for all those around you as it has for us…


Role Model

Role Model

And, remember, she’s watching you… and listening, too.
And she still needs you…
And he will always protect and love you….
And I will always be your biggest fan!
Shine, Shine, Shine!

Shine, Shine, Shine!

Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your father which is in heaven.  Matthew 5:16




Courtney, will you accept this blog post?

Drama, drama, drama!  There’s drama everywhere I turn.

I watched the most dramatic rose ceremony EVER tonight.  Then followed with the most dramatic toddler meltdown ever.  But that changes daily.  Look out, Tuesday!

Sophie has rejected me the past few nights with whining and crying “I don’t want you Mom!  I want DADDD!”

DAD, DAD, DADDDD!  ARGGHH!  Dagger to the heart.  Oh, it stings.  But I realize that her little emotions (Oh, sweet child, you get it honest!) flip flop a bit like her attention span.  We made peace tonight after I told her that she was hurting my feelings and the way she was acting wasn’t very nice.  I’ve had this eerie feeling that she knows about my blog posts.  YIKES! 

For the record—and not at all because I think she knows what’s “really” going on here on this blog—Sophie says “yes ma’am” and “no ma’am” quite a lot for a two-year-old.  She wakes up with a huge smile on her face and says, “I WAKED UP!”  She randomly tells me, “I love you, Mommy,” while holding her sweet hands on my face.  She says she’s sorry for odd things. (I’ll try and refrain from discussing her refusing to say she’s sorry for big things.)  She has the sweetest hugs and almost always says, “I missed you,” when we’ve been separated for any length of time.

There.  I feel better.  Now if she’ll only know I’ve posted this.

As for the “Mama drama”, I’ve felt it much since Cammie’s doctor’s appointment last week.  I apologize for the late update.  She does have precancer cells.  While I’m relieved that she does not technically have cervical cancer, I’m asking for continued prayer for her.  The idea that she had that appointment without her family close by was enough to break my heart.  She will be home February 6 and I can’t wait.

But just as I let out a sigh of relief from one drama, I open another bedroom door and discover more.  My heart aches for Courtney.  Our talk tonight after we watched the most dramatic rose ceremony EVER did not involve the melodramatic display that came from Sophie’s room.  (Nor did it look anything like the dramatic displays on The Bachelor tonight.)  But I’m certain that the emotions she is experiencing as a sixteen-year-old (almost sixteen…this Friday) high school girl are equivalent to Sophie’s outward display.  And probably equal to one or nine of the Bachelorettes.  But that’s another story.

While my heart aches for all of my girls tonight for very different reasons, the burden I feel for Courtney is heavy.  Courtney is a great kid.  Teenager, I mean.  She really is.  The kind of kid teenager that has a difficult time accepting the one B on her report card surrounded by all of those A’s.  The kind who isn’t happy with second best.  The kind who sets goals. The kind who is determined to live by her convictions.  The kind who doesn’t want drama.

The sad truth is, she will encounter drama.  It’s part of life.  She’s at an age where she is bombarded with temptations and opinions and strong personalities and tough choices and few role models.  And though I don’t like to put a lot of emphasize on it, she “is” the middle child.  It’s easy for me to overlook how hard she works.  Somewhere along the line it just sorta’ became “expected”.  And I hate that. 

She is sandwiched in between a demanding toddler and an older sister who not only overcame trying circumstances due to wrong choices, but set very high goals and triumphed mightily.  Perhaps because of her apparent confidence and outgoing nature she is often targeted.  And I’m not talking about her peers.  That would be expected.  But sadly, it’s often adults.  It’s gut-wrenching to notice others who seemingly purposefully set out to let one of your children know they prefer another over them.  To know that your child notices is even more painful.  Still, a higher standard is expected of Courtney.  And so it should be.  Her example is Christ.  And as her mother, I’m supposed to mirror Him. 

Woe to me.  Insert grace *here*.

Tonight, I wonder if Courtney has the impression that she who is the most dramatic gets the most attention.  I hope not.  I hope she knows the joy she brings.  I hope she knows that we don’t expect perfection from her.  I hope she knows that her every hurt matters.   I hope she knows how much we love her.

The Mama’s heart in me has ached for all three of my girls tonight.  But I’ve given this a lot of thought.

Tonight, I’d like to ask,

Courtney, will you accept this blog post?

I love you,


The Daily Mercies

Come join me over at Ginger’s blog today while she hosts The Daily Mercies this week.  I will be hosting here next Sunday.  Be sure to leave your comments and add your link.

See you there.


Her words, they shock me!

Well, I don’t know much about Word filled Wednesday.

But after posting my so-called Wordless Wednesday pic, I’m about to burst.  I guess I totally cheated with the caption and all.

The truth is, nothing BUT words over here.  You guessed it!  From the toddler.

Here’s two or twenty of her words I’d like to share so you know what I’m dealing with here.

The other day while at my friend’s re-sale shop working with Sophie in tow, I told her to get off the floor.  She was laying on her belly on a high-traffic floor in a STORE coloring a picture.  She was protesting.  I tried to whisper discretely, “get up off the floor.”  And then slowly walk away.  And then I heard her whisper,

“That’s ri-dic-o-lous.”


While I chatted with a customer about sending Sophie to Preschool at our church next fall, Sophie sat on a stool behind the counter drawing a lovely picture.  She acted like she owned the place.  All the while she was scribbling, she had her ear bent our way.

“NO!  I’M going to Pre-School,” she chimed in.

“Yes, that’s what we were talking about, Sophie.”


WHAT?  WHAT?  She DID NOT?  HOW could she possibly even know the difference?  We didn’t even mention daycare.  I didn’t have much time to ponder before she put her two cents in again.

“And I’m gonna’ be a DANCER!”

Yes, yes you are.  Dance class next fall.

Good grief!   How am I gonna’ make it ’til fall?

Some other new favorites:

“What the world?”

“Mom?  I never, ever, never seen.  A girl.  Silly-willy.”

Wow!  Hard to believe.  Should’ve handed her a mirror.

In the car yesterday with me and Courtney:

“No, I got a car!  Boy gave me to me car.”

“REALLY?  What color is it,” Courtney asked.


“Well, what’s his name?”

“I don’t know.  A girl name.”

Hmmmm….  Is it paid for is what I was thinking.

If I only had my camcorder rolling… I wish you could’ve seen the chocolate meltdown that erupted after she woke up from her power nap yesterday.  And that’s another thing… 45 minutes?  REALLLY?  AFTER she protested her nap for nearly that long because, well, “I JUST WAKED UP!”  I’m amazed that she thinks I believe this stuff.  

On chocolate, as Joe’s brother-in-law put it at Christmas, “she has a monkey on her back.”

It’s bad, people.  BAD!  Two parents addicted to chocolate = toddler with monkey on back.

If you’d like a little more math…

Two teenagers (whoops, one teenager; one “adult child”.  Shhh, don’t tell Cam!) + one toddler =Sassy half-pint teenager wannabe who occassionally pees in her pants.

Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m being summoned off the computer.  With great whines and moans, I might add.

It’s ri-dic-o-lous!

P.S.  Please note that the two previous posts in no way denote child neglect.  Picture #1, I would be the one holding the camera.  You figured that, huh?  Picture #2, It’s MY Diet Coke! 

